Arthur Canteen

Written by Arthur’s fiance Monique

He is currently serving a 45 year sentence for a crime he did not commit but filed for clemency because his many years of trying to prove his innocence have been banned by the courts. Arthur is emotional weary but still wake up each day optimistic that our justice system will one day work for him. He has earned certification in different fields of training that makes him employable. He has successfully programmed and also currently enrolled in college courses.

He has an organization that helps disenfranchise woman and children by providing help organizing food donations.

Arthur has many opportunities that should make him bitter instead he fuels his energy looking for ways to always help others because that means a lot to him it’s very important that everyone get treated fairly .

He has served 26 years so far and has endured a lot of health issues due to the improper treatment in the prison system . He was in constant pain daily and found out that he had contracted H-pylori and went untreated for years even though the facility medical staff was aware of his condition they were not attentive so he had the proper medical care. These actions led him to have emergency surgery. He is getting older he has lost so much weight and very thin because of this lack of the empathy or procedural protocol could have led to his demise if not caught in a timely fashion. I thank God it was .

Through out his incarceration he has maintained his innocence and also has filed motion after motion.

Honestly it is disheartening seeing him trying to fight for his freedom and justice and helping to fight proactively for justice and he is being overlooked and his case has been buried so far away.

We currently filed for clemency and have an application filed with the help of Steven Zeidman Cuny Law School and has had the support of Senators and Assemblymen.

I want his story to be heard and told because when you don’t have money and anyone consistently helping you in any capacity you are the forgotten just another incarcerated person who will do time and be forgotten and left for dead literally and figuratively.