David Moore
Written by David’s attorney
David Moore is in his 15th year of a 25 to life sentence imposed in 2004 upon his conviction for attempted burglary in the second degree, a class D felony. During his time incarcerated, Mr. Moore has obtained multiple trade skills and training to better himself and his future. The first trade he obtained was asbestosis and lead abatement training in which he was licensed as an asbestos handler by the Department of Labor. Mr. Moore has also been able to obtain his commercial driver’s license. Mr. Moore obtained these trades with the hopes and determination to obtain a job in the asbestoses and lead abatement field after he has paid his debt to society. As well as obtaining trade skills and training during his incarceration, Mr. Moore has also been an active member of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP). Through the project, Mr. Moore has learned to express himself in non-violent ways to better his future and to live each day with value. He has learned ways to express himself in a positive way rather then turning to violence. Mr. Moore was not only a member of the project; in 2006 he completed his required 18 hours of training to become a facilitator. In addition, Mr. Moore has received multiple certificates not only for facilitator training and advanced programs but has also received multiple certificates of appreciation from the AVP, certificates of recognition for volunteer service and multiple certificates regarding specific training subjects such as relationships and re-entry.