The People’s Campaign for Parole Justice #BlackHistoryMonth Virtual Advocacy Day Social Media Guide

In honor of Black History Month, join The People’s Campaign for Parole Justice and call on your elected officials and legislative leaders to do what Governor Cuomo refuses: end systemic racism in New York, protect Black incarcerated New Yorkers vulnerable to Covid-19, and save lives behind bars. Passing Elder Parole, Fair & Timely Parole, and fully staffing the Parole Board with humane and fair Parole Board Commissioners will help reduce the number of people in prison who are vulnerable to Covid-19, give more incarcerated people an opportunity for parole, and ensure people do not languish in prison for decades because of repeated parole denials.

On February 16, in addition to virtually gathering with legislators, we encourage you to call and email your legislators and use social media to communicate the demands of The People’s Campaign for Parole Justice. See the below guide for sample scripts and social media posts. Find all social media images here.


Call-in and Email Campaign

Call and email your legislators as well as the Assembly Speaker and Senate Majority Leader to demand they take action!

  • Find out who your NYS representatives are and how to contact them here.

  • Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins:
    Phone: 518-455-2585

  • Assembly Speaker Heastie:
    Phone: 518-455-3791

Sample call/email script:

Hi, my name is _________ and I’m calling/writing to specifically ask________ (Name of your legislator, Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Heastie) to support the People’s Campaign for Parole Justice by passing the Elder Parole Bill (S00015/A03475) AND the Fair + Timely Parole Act (S1415/A4231) to stop the spread and harm associated with COVID-19 behind bars, and provide justice to our incarcerated New Yorkers and their families. 32 people have died from the virus and 10 of those deaths happened within the last month. Governor Cuomo refuses to grant clemencies to save lives despite the fact that the number of incarcerated New Yorkers who died due to COVID outnumbers the amount of clemencies he has granted in 2021 alone. We need the state legislature to pass these COVID-related parole justice reforms before more incarcerated people get sick and die from this deadly virus.

Can __________ (Name of your legislator, Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Heastie) commit to supporting the People’s Campaign for Parole Justice and pass this life-saving legislation? Thank you.


Social Media Campaign: Sample Tweets

Sample Take Action Tweet

  • Parole Justice is Racial Justice. This #BlackHistoryMonth join us in calling on NYS legislators to pass Elder Parole and Fair + Timely Parole to give more New Yorkers meaningful opportunities for parole release.

    Find scripts and sample tweets here:

  • 🚨TAKE ACTION: Join The People’s Campaign for Parole Justice #BlackHistoryMonth Virtual Advocacy Day by calling, emailing, and tweeting at your legislators and NYS legislative leaders. #ParoleJusticeNY

    Find scripts and sample tweets here:

Included Image:

Sample Press Conference Promotion Tweets

  • In honor of #BlackHistoryMonth join The People's Campaign for Parole Justice for a virtual press conference TODAY at 10 AM demanding NYS legislators protect Black lives and pass #ParoleJusticeNY and end death by incarceration this session:


    Join families impacted by incarceration, victim and survivor advocates, and legislators from across NYS to demand #ParoleJusticeNY this #BlackHistoryMonth


Included Image:

Sample Tweets for Demand #1: Elder Parole

  • There is a crisis of aging and dying behind bars in New York. It's immoral, racist, & expensive. The People’s Campaign for #ParoleJusticeNY is calling on lawmakers to pass the Elder Parole bill to save lives amidst deadly Covid-19 outbreaks in NYS prisons.

  • Since @NYGovCuomo refuses to grant mass clemencies, the NYS Legislature must pass Elder Parole to reduce the number of people in prison who are vulnerable to Covid-19 @CarlHeastie @AndreaSCousins #ParoleJusticeNY

  • More than 1,000 people are serving Life Without Parole or virtual life w/out parole sentences (minimum sentence of 50+ years). Elder Parole would give those 55 & older who served at least 15 years an opportunity to show the Parole Board the person they are today. #ParoleJusticeNY

Included Image:

Demand 1_Twitter.png

Tag your legislators, @CarlHeastie, @AndreaSCousins, @NYGovCuomo in the image

Sample Tweets for Demand #2: Fair & Timely Parole

  • Mass incarceration is slavery by another name. In New York, we can end it by committing to our collective belief in redemption and personal transformation. #ParoleJusticeNY means being true to our values and providing people in prison with meaningful opportunities for release.

  • Perpetual punishment through long sentences and repeated parole denials disproportionately impacts Black and Brown New Yorkers.

    This #BlackHistoryMonth, NYS legislators can show their commitment to ending mass incarceration and systemic racism by passing #ParoleJusticeNY

  • The People’s Campaign for #ParoleJusticeNY is supported by many victims and survivors of crime because it promotes healing and justice. We can end mass incarceration and repeated parole denials AND improve community safety at the same time.

Included Image:

Copy of Demand 2_Twitter.png

Tag your legislators, @CarlHeastie, @AndreaSCousins, @NYGovCuomo in the image

Sample Tweets for Demand #3: Fair & Fully Staffed Parole Board

  • Black & Latinx New Yorkers are far more likely to receive longer sentences and less likely to be released than their similarly situated white counterparts. We need Parole Board Commissioners who better represent the communities of people who appear before them. #ParoleJusticeNY

  • While 19 Parole Commissioners are permitted, there are currently only 16 active. The Board interviews more than 11,000 people a year via videoconferences that last an average of 15 minutes. We need a fully staffed Parole Board so Commissioners have time to adequately review cases

  • While nearly 8,000 people are serving parole-eligible sentences, the NYS Parole Board denies release to majority of incarcerated people who appear before them. We need Parole Commissioners who believe in personal transformation and can assess who people are today #ParoleJusticeNY

Demand 3_Twitter.png

Tag your legislators, @CarlHeastie, @AndreaSCousins, @NYGovCuomo in the image

Use any of the language above or here to create posts for Instagram and Facebook. Find images sized for Facebook/Instagram here.

Follow the RAPP Campaign on twitter for updates throughout the day: @RAPPCampaign.