Matthew Lemon
Matthew Lemon is 62 years old and has been incarcerated for almost 40 years. At just 21 years old, Matthew was charged with a robbery that resulted in the deaths of two local small business owners. Despite questionable issues during his trial, Matthew was convicted and sentenced to spend 70 years to life in prison. Matthew has spent the past four decades transforming himself to be the son, brother, father, husband, and mentor that he desperately needed growing up. After attending a variety of programs and peer support groups, Matthew found his passion in mentoring at-risk youth to steer them away from future encounters with the criminal legal system. Matthew will not be able to receive an opportunity to see a parole board until 2051, when he is 93 years old. Matthew’s wife, four daughters, and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren desperately want to spend whatever time they have left with him.