Social Media Guide
#RoadToJustice March-July 14


On July 14th, join the Release Aging People in Prison Campaign, Center for Community Alternatives, the HALT Solitary Campaign, the Immigrant Defense Project, the Repeal Walking While Trans Ban Coalition, Vocal-NY, and others for a march from Union Square to Governor Cuomo's office to demand New York state lawmakers address the crisis of racist state violence from policing to courts, jails, prisons.

Amplify the call to #FreeOurElders, #HALTsolitary, #ICEoutofCourts, and repeal #WalkingWhileTrans ban. Then join us on July 14th at 5pm in Union Square Park.


Use this Social Media Guide to help spread the word and get the hashtag #RoadToJustice trending on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Please post between now and Tuesday! We will then host a Twitter Power Hour on Tuesday (July 14th) from 5–6 pm to draw attention to the March.
All Social Media Images Can Be Found Here
Use this action tool to call, tweet, and email your legislators
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Social Media Sample Tweets and Posts

We’re Not Done March Promotional Sample Posts

INSTAGRAM Template Post: Join us on the #RoadToJustice on Tuesday (7/14) to demand @NYGovCuomo and New York State lawmakers #DefendBlackLives and begin to dismantle the racist state violence of policing, courts, jails and prisons. #HALTsolitary, #FreeOurElders, repeal #WalkingWhileTrans, and get #ICEoutofCourts in New York State. Spread the word - and see you Tuesday! [add graphic or video]

FACEBOOK Template Post: WE’RE NOT DONE: On July 14, march with thousands of New Yorkers to demand [tag Andrew Cuomo] and New York State lawmakers #HALTsolitary, #FreeOurElders, repeal #WalkingWhileTrans, and get #ICEoutofCourts in New York State TODAY! RSVP here and spread the word: [add graphic or video]


TWITTER Template Post: The fight isn't over! Join us on Tuesday, 7/14 as we demand @NYGovCuomo & NYS legislators #HALTsolitary, #FreeOurElders, repeal #WalkingWhileTrans, and get #ICEoutofCourts in New York State TODAY! FOLLOW @JusticeRdmapNY for updates on the march! #RoadToJustice [add graphic or video & tag @CCA_NY, @RAPPCampaign, @NYCAIC, @RepealWWT, @ImmDefense, @VOCALNewYork & others ]

All 5 #RoadToJustice Policies Sample Posts

FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM Template Post: WE’RE NOT DONE: On July 14, march with [insert tag for Release Aging People in Prison Campaign, Center for Community Alternatives, Halt Solitary Campaign, Repeal Walking While Trans Coalition, the Immigrant Defense Project, and Vocal-NY] and others to demand [tag Andrew Cuomo] and New York State lawmakers pass 5 bills to begin to dismantle the full spectrum of state-sanctioned racist violence in New York #RoadToJustice [include square-sized image]


TWITTER Template Post: WE’RE NOT DONE: On July 14, march with @RAPPCampaign, @CCA_NY, @NYCAIC, @RepealWWT, @ImmDefense, @VOCALNewYork & others to demand @NYGovCuomo & NYS lawmakers pass 5 bills to begin to dismantle the full spectrum of state-sanctioned racist violence in New York #RoadToJustice [include horizontal, twitter-sized image]

TWITTER Template Post: On July 14th, we march to demand @NYGovCuomo and NY State lawmakers address the crisis of racist state violence from policing to courts, jails, prisons. #RoadToJustice: #FreeOurElders, #ParoleJusticeNow, #HALTSolitary, Repeal #WalkingWhileTrans Ban, #ICEOutOfCourts [include horizontal, twitter-sized image]

Individual #RoadToJustice Policies Sample Tweets


Elder Parole Bill Tweet: "We're dealing with 2 pandemics. One we hope to get a vaccine, & the other that we, the community, must be the vaccine for. If our elected leaders fail to act, our grandchildren will be tasked w/addressing this racism at a great cost” – RAPP's @hamzasaldana614 #FreeOurElders


Fair and Timely Parole Act Tweet: "While it might be politically expedient to cut some people out of parole reform based on their crime, RAPP was founded on the principle that justice is for everyone. We won’t be complicit in any deaths of elders behind bars" - @hamzasaldana614 #ParoleJusticeNow #RoadToJustice


Tweet: “Legislators rolled back bail reform knowing that it would put more people in jail. @NYGovCuomo doesn’t want to hear us on criminal justice reform. Lawmakers need to pass the #HALTSolitary Act this session and fix this entire system.” –Roger Clark @NYCAIC #RoadToJustice

Repeal #WalkingWhileTrans

Tweet: “Our lives and our existence have always been a pandemic. Loitering for the purposes of prostitution has been used as a weapon to criminalize Black and brown lives. I’m fighting for my dignity to just be." –TS Candii @RepealWWT #WalkingWhileTrans #RoadToJustice


Tweet: “New York State must address racialized violence in all forms, including protecting immigrant New Yorkers from ICE policing. We are calling on our leaders to imagine a different world where everyone’s safety is valued.”–JoseChapa @ImmDefense #ProtectOurCourts #RoadToJustice

Other Sample Tweets

  • The Repeal of Walking While Trans Ban, HALT Solitary Act, and Protect our Courts Act all have more official legislative co-sponsors than the number of the votes needed to pass. #RoadToJustice #FreeThemAll

  • In April, @NYGovCuomo & state lawmakers passed rollbacks to bail reforms, even as COVID-19 surged across NY. We demand the Legislature immediately respond by passing a five-part criminal justice bill package to decarcerate and dismantle racism behind bars #RoadToJustice

Social Media Advocacy Tips

  • Tag @RAPPCampaign, @CCA_NY, @NYCAIC, @RepealWWT, @ImmDefense, @VOCALNewYork @MakeTheRoadNY @thenyic @GMHC @BKBailFund @byp100 in any and all of the images that you use with the tweets. This helps to not use up character space in the actual tweets and alerts us to the tweets so we can retweet and promote!

  • Make sure to tag Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo), legislative leaders Stewart-Cousins and Heastie (@AndreaSCousins, @CarlHeastie) and your legislators either in the tweets or in the images.

  • Twitter allows you to schedule tweets on your computer. So you can copy and paste all these sample tweets and images and schedule them for a specific day or across a week, all in one sitting. When you go to draft a tweet, at the bottom there is a calendar icon. Click that and set the time and date you want to tweet it. Press confirm and then schedule. If you want to see your scheduled tweets, go to draft a tweet, and then click on “unsent tweets” in the top right corner. Then click on “scheduled tweets”. You can also reschedule a tweet under this tab if you need to change the time and date.

  • Help us get the hashtags trending by retweeting other people’s tweets with the #RoadToJustice hashtag or any of the hashtags that go along with each policy: #FreeOurElders, #HALTSolitary, Repeal #WalkingWhileTrans Ban, and #ICEOutOfCourts.