

The public health crisis of coronavirus inside prison walls, compounded with the humanitarian crisis that has existed in New York State prisons for far too long, makes what our loved ones are experiencing cruel and unusual punishment. Governor Cuomo needs to put politics aside and do what’s right. If he continues to ignore COVID-19 in prisons it will continue to spread throughout the prison population, staff and community at large in a never ending cycle of contamination, effectively reinstating the death penalty in New York State.

A false narrative is frequently perpetuated that if released, those who are incarcerated are without a home to return to and will therefore be a threat to public safety. This is a harmful, inaccurate narrative. There are many incarcerated individuals who have families that are concerned about the health and lives of their loved ones because of COVID. They are waiting for them, and ready to welcome them back home. Our loved ones have the same right as the rest of us to be #SafeAtHome during this public health crisis.

The list created from this form will be used as evidence to humanize people behind bars and show Governor Cuomo that currently incarcerated individuals have families waiting for them, communities that need them, and who should be #SafeAtHome during this public health crisis. They are READY TODAY! They have spent years, decades in many cases, gaining the tools to be productive members of society, and are no longer a threat. However, they face a threat by remaining in prison, they were not sentenced to death. Governor Cuomo’s refusal to grant mass clemencies and reduce the density in NYS Prisons is putting their lives in jeopardy because of COVID-19. We encourage all individuals who have loved ones imprisoned and who feel comfortable, to add their information to this list. No questions are mandatory, so feel free to provide as little or as much information as you feel comfortable. And please share this form with anyone in your networks who have a loved one incarcerated.

***This is not a promise to anyone that Governor Cuomo or New York State will release your loved one. But it’s an opportunity to educate the masses that our loved ones deserve to be LET GO and that they will be an asset to their communities as we seek to rebuild after this crisis.

This list can also serve as a storytelling and community organizing platform. At the end of the form will be an option to allow the Release Aging People in Prison Campaign to use your loved one’s basic info (facility, time served, time left, age, etc.) on their social media accounts and demand Governor Cuomo grant #ClemencyNow. RAPP Will also be in touch with you about getting involved in their activism work, which community members with loved ones in prison help lead. They speak at rallies and press conferences, meet with legislators, help shape our advocacy strategy, and recruit other people to be part of our collective work. This is a way to elevate your loved one’s story and further humanize family member’s collective struggles to show there are thousands people in NYS prisons who are ready today to be #SafeAtHome.