Shantelle Scruggs
Written by Shantelle and advocates with the Brooklyn Law's Criminal Defense & Advocacy Clinic
From Shantelle: My name is Shantelle Scruggs and I grew up in prison. I’ve been incarcerated for the past 13 years. In prison I faced head-on the tragedy and pain I caused. The process of accepting responsibility has made me a woman who is capable of self-restraint, and transformation. Before I came to prison, I was living, but barely functioning because of the trauma I experienced throughout my childhood. I carried so much emotional pain because of the hostility and abuse I experienced as a child that profoundly affected my adult life and relationships. The abject pain and remorse I feel now fuels my intentions and actions—it has indebted me forever to live a productive, peaceful, and purposeful life. I failed completely to do so that night. I cannot change what happened then, or undo the pain, trauma, and destruction I caused to Barbara’s family. I have found a better way to live and commit myself to breaking the cycle of anger and abuse in my past.
From advocates: Shantelle Scruggs was a 21-year-old mother of three living in a shelter when she was sentenced to life in prison for killing Barbara Santos. Over the past 13 years of her incarceration, she has made great progress and will finish her bachelor’s degree this year. Once released, Shantelle aspires to help women who have been affected by the conditions of poverty and violence that she experienced as a child. Beyond education, Shantelle has excelled at every job she’s held while incarcerated, all while maintaining a spotless prison record. As a result of her many accomplishments, Shantelle has the privilege of living in Honors housing in Fiske Cottage at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. Shantelle is a driven, faith-filled, and loving mother. Those who know her describe a warm ray of light. Shantelle will not see the parole board for another 11 years.